Balance Boards are wooden boards that take various attributes from different types of board sports and combine them into one wholesome board that can be used to have fun anywhere you go. The aim is to stand on the board with your legs shoulder-width apart and try to balance while rolling the board side to side on a cylindrical roller. They are great for indoor use and can be used by both kids and adults.

Balance boards are not only really fun but they can help you with:

  • balance
  • coordination
  • core strength
  • posture
  • back pain
  • fitness
  • spatial awareness
  • keeping kids entertained
  • mind-muscle connection
  • reduce risk of injury
  1. Place the roller on the ground
  2. Place the centre of the board onto the centre of the roller
  3. Roll the board to the side until it hits the stopper
  4. One end of the board is now on the roller and the other end is on the ground
  5. Place your first foot onto the end of the board that’s on the ground
  6. Place your other foot onto the end of the board that’s on the roller
  7. Both feet are now on the board, roughly shoulder-width apart
  8. Place your weight onto the foot that’s above the roller
  9. Roll as far as possible and shift your weight onto the other foot before the board hits the ground